Saturday, May 24, 2014

Narrative 2

My Brother’s Relationship

Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Do your parents allow you to have a girlfriend or boyfriend? What will you do if your mother or your father doesn’t like your girlfriend or boyfriend? And how do you feel when your parents prohibit your relationship? As we know, relationship is a relation between boy and girl who love each other. Of course, you will feel happy and love your girlfriend or boyfriend. You will do everything for someone who you love. Then, you will adore your girlfriend or boyfriend when you are in love. Actually, you must have permission from your parents to make a relationship. If there is no permission from your parents, absolutely there will be a conflict between you and your parents, as my brother experience. I think that my brother was disappointed because of my mother’s attitudes. 

My mother didn’t agree with my brother’s relationship. My mother didn’t like my brother’s girlfriend at that time. She prohibited my brother relationship because my mother wanted to match my brother with her friend’s daughter. When my brother’s girlfriend came to our house, my mother said that she felt my brother‘s girlfriend has bad attitudes. At that time, I thought that my brother really loved his girlfriend although he knew that his girlfriend was a Muslim and my mother didn’t allow him to have a relationship with a girl who has different religion. 

My brother against my mother advice. My brother is a stubborn person, that’s why if my brother and my mother have a different argument, my brother will not care. My brother also used to say that his girlfriend was a good girl. So, when my mother asked my brother to find another girlfriend, my brother didn’t care to m y mother’s advice. My mother didn’t like my brother’s girlfriend so my mother told my brother to tell his girlfriend that not to come to our house as often as usual. Beside that my mother also asked my brother to break his relationship.

My brother got sick and sad because of my mother’s prohibition. Although he is a man, my brother also has ever cried because he felt angry and disappointed. My brother didn’t eat in a day at that time. He got confused and he was gloomy at that time because he respected to his parents. My brother also got fever because he should be willing to let his girlfriend went away. My brother also didn’t want to work about two days at that time.

In short, when in relationship with his girlfriend, my brother experienced some trouble to get permission from my mother. At that time, my brother believed that his girlfriend was a nice girl but my mother thought that my brother’s girlfriend was not good enough for my brother. That’s why, my brother felt sad and disappointed with my mother’s behavior.


  1. Good Job Gita,
    You have done a good writing... I love the way you tell your brother's experience.
    You already have a good structure, thesis statement, and conclusion.
    However, you may pay attention of the grammar and mechanics in your writing.
    For example, in this sentence, you have a wrong spelling of the word "my" "So, when my mother asked my brother to find another girlfriend, my brother didn’t care to m y mother’s advice."
    You used too much "at the time", I think it is better to write "at the moment", "in that situation" and etc.
    in this sentence "She prohibited my brother relationship because my mother wanted to match my brother with her friend’s daughter. " it must be "She prohibited my brother's relationship because my mother wanted to match my brother with her friend’s daughter. "

    Overall, I like your writing,
    Keep working Gita :D

  2. Hi Gita. Overall, this text is nice.
    However, I think you are using too many 'at that time' in this text. The arrangement is good, but because of that clause, I feel little disturbed. I am sorry for saying this.

    However, I really can understand how your brother's feeling was. I had that forbidden as well when I was in senior high school. Maybe there will be someone else who is better than your brother's ex-girlfriend. Do they broke up yet?

    In addition, in that situation, I think you have to be a good sister to amuse your brother, isn't it? ;-)
