Monday, September 30, 2013

Unforgettable experience

Unforgettable experience

I will never forget the day when I was in grade 2 SMK because I have a nice experience with my friends. Formerly I studied  in vocational  high school  Denpasar namely SMK Tourism Hope School Denpasar (SMK Pariwisata Harapan Denpasar). I had a very good time with my friends, that I can’t  forget. When  my friends and I went  to  (study tour) outside the city, among others to Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Bandung for a week and we used three buses to went there. There we visited a very pleasant  tour objects, namely TMII, Dufan, Ancol, Monas, Borobudur and Prambanan. First we visited Jakarta city which the most fun was when we were in Dufan and ancol, because there we enjoyed all the rides games from morning until evening. Games that I really like were vehicle up kora-kora, Kicir-Kicir, doll palace,and  greenhouses.  My friends and I  were very happy because we felt the tension, fear and fun together, while we were  playing  the games in Duvan area. After that,  we went back to the hotel and had dinner together in the evening then, the next day we went  to Monas, where we had new experiences next when  we reached out for  the peak of  Monas and we saw  the view  in the capital city  Jakarta from the Monas peak.
 There we also got  new knowledge about the history of Indonesian independent nation, it was a beneficial thing for me and my friends. Second we went on a trip to Yogyakarta. Yogjakarta  is a special city of ​ Indonesia , in there we stayed at the hotel then in the evening we went to  malioboro, we shopped there for many batik souvenirs for our families. Beside that, we also rode tricycles around malioboro together. at that time I felt very happy because I got suitable batik clothes for souvenirs for my mother. When we were  in Yogyakarta we can cook together, because we were  from foods and beverages  Department,  so we had a chance to cook together for a dinner menu in the hotel, one of the dishes we cooked was a  fried rice. While we cooked we were taking pictures together, it was one of the best experiences which I remember. Then I gave the results of my cooking to my favorite teacher. After that day in the morning we went to Borobudur.
 At Borobudur temple we prayed  together and then, we watched  the film about the story of the Borobudur temple while we were  learning about the history of the Borobudur temple. And next, there I also saw crafts from buda statue shaped stone that was very unique and funny, because I liked and interested so I bought it. Then after six days took place, third we went to the last tour object, namely the Prambanan temple. There we prayed together after that we also took photos together again. In Prambanan was also very enjoyable because the atmosphere was  very cool and beautiful, and  the scenery was  also very beautiful.  And then, in the afternoon we had lunch  together. Finally went back to the harbor to return to Denpasar Bali. Yes, Remember about the togetherness with my friends when I was in SMK, I think it was a very pleasant experience that I had ever, and I will never forget it.


  1. Your writing is good mam..
    but I think you don;t need to translate your school's name. :)

  2. Good job. You need to have a separated paragraph for your concluding remarks
