Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Room

My Room
Any activities that I do in my room even in dry and rainy season, my room still feels pleasurable. My room is very functional because I can do a lot of things in my room other than to sleep, I can also do other activities such as watching, eating, studying, resting, etc. When I open the door of my room, I always see my pink bed with the large green blanket on the right side of the door. On my bed I usually put some of my dolls to accompany me to sleep and play when I am in my room. I like pink color so the wall of my room is also pink, opposite my bed there is a television which hanging on the wall so I can watch when I feel bored and every times I want. On the left side of the television there is a pink fan which standing with a quiet sound, it can make me feel comfortable and peaceful when I am in my room.  Besides the fan there is a big wooden closets which containing a mirror and my wooden closets color is white, I can make up in front of the mirror and I also can put my clothes in it. Next to the closets there is a desk colored brown for studying, my study desk contains a small closet as a place to put all of my books and my bag and I can do several things with my study desk such as studying, making homework, drawing and also reading even sometimes I eat at my study desk because I usually bring some food from the kitchen to my room.  Above of the study desk there is also a small lamp as a light when I study at night. I like pictures so around of my room there are some pictures of my family and also some paintings which hanging on the wall, it can beautify my room and make the atmosphere more beautiful. So I think my room is pleasurable and functional because many things I can do in my room even in dry and rainy season.

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